About European trains



Thank you so much for sending over these questions! Unfortunately at this time, we have already booked all the train tickets several months ago, and there isn’t an option to them upgrade them. We have never had an issue with trains before, but if we’d known this earlier could certainly have made alternate arrangements. Unfortunately, at this time it is too late to make adjustments. The “overnight train to Vienna” has been listed on the itinerary that participants have on their personal webpage for months, and we did announce it at the last meeting, so I’m surprised to hear so many concerns just now coming up.


For participants who want to arrange flights instead of taking the train, they will need to sign a waiver releasing WorldStrides from all responsibility while they are away from the group, and make all arrangements to get to and from the airport, as well as their own hotel arrangements. Since we won’t have a staff member with them we wouldn’t be able to book the hotels but will be happy to share which hotels so they can make arrangements on their own.


Thank you for the quick reply. I definitely understand people often don’t look so closely at the details until closer to travel (one of the reasons we suggest a meeting only a few weeks out from the trip!) but I just feel bad that we can’t really do much at this point for them. We usually have hotels announced on the website about a month or so from travel but will check now to see if the Paris one is confirmed already, as I know Vienna was. 

Thanks so much!


Liesl Sonne-Peterson (she/her)

Director of International Performing Travel